Action time – If you had fun in the in-house comp come and join our Ruff & Tuff Comp, grab a buddy and going today registrations are closing very shortly! September 10th
Strength: 3RM Power Snatch
Wod: For Time
- 8 HSPU
- 7 Push Ups
- 6 Dips
- 8 Pull Ups
- 7 Chest 2 Bar
- 6 Bar Muscle Ups
- 6 HSPU
- 5 Push Ups
- 4 Dips
- 6 Pullups
- 5 Chest 2 Bar
- 4 Bar Muscle Ups
- 4 HSPU
- 3 Push Ups
- 2 Dips
- 4 PullUps
- 3 Chest 2 Bar
- 2 Bar Muscle Ups
*Rxd- 21-15-9
- Handstand Push Ups
- Chest 2 Bar
Results (Click Here)