Runners 7am!!! (refer 060615)
- Run 1200m – Rest 1min
- Run 1000m – Rest 1min
- Run 800m – Rest 1min
- Run 600m – Rest 1min
- Run 400m – Rest 1min
- Run 200m – Rest 1min
Partner Wod: 8:30am (refer 291114)
Wod 1: For time; (15min C/O)
- Together: 100 Wall Balls (9/6)*
- P1: 21 Overhead Squats + 3 Burpees
- P2: 21 Overhead Squats + 3 Burpees
- P1: 15 Overhead Squats + 6 Burpees
- P2: 15 Overhead Squats + 6 Burpees
- P1: 9 Overhead Squats + 9 Burpees
- P2: 9 Overhead Squats + 9 Burpees
Rxd- 6/4 & 30/20
Rxd 9/6 & 40/25
Rxd+ 9/6 & 60/40
All Burpees onto 20kg plate
*Partner must be holding a handstand
Wod 2: For time; (30min C/O)
- 180 Double Unders
- 60 Front Rack Lunges
- 40 Toes to Bar
- 30 Shoulder to Overhead
- 20 Chest to Bar
- 30 Shoulder to Overhead
- 40 Toes to Bar
- 60 Front Rack Lunges
- 180 Double Unders
Rxd- 30/25, Pull Ups replace C2B
Rxd 40/35
Rxd+ 60/40, HSPU replace S2O, & Ring MU replaces C2B