- A Big Big April is hap hap happening very soon! Choose your own adventure, or choose both! #aprilabs or #awesomeapril
- #aprilabs – challengers will complete a daily (under 10 min’s) Ab Wod! Sign up on the wall in the box! Get Committed!
- #awesomeapril – there will be 5 benchmark wods (5 of the Classic CrossFit Girls!) in the first week of April. Do them all! TRAIN HARD ALL MONTH! WORK ON THOSE WEAKNESSES! BUILD ON THEM STRENGTHS! At the end of the month, pick 1 of the 5 out of the hat! Challenge yourself to improve, challenge your fitness to be AWESOME!
- FOOTY TIPPING IS BACK! $10 Buy in, use the ESPN Footy Tipping App, put your tips in weekly using the App. Ladder will be updated weekly in the Box!
- EASTER OPENING HOURS: Good Friday (open box from 7am, Wod @ 8:30am), Easter Saturday (Run Wod @ 7:15am, CrossFit @ 8:30am), Easter Sunday (closed), Easter Monday (open box from 7am, Wod @ 8:30am)
- TIME TO GET YOUR FRIENDS INTO CROSSFIT! We have a 75% Discount 1-Month Membership on offer for those of your friends that have never been to CrossFit Hallam! No better time to give them that strong NUDGE!
Speed: 1 round for time;
- 9 KB Swings (32/24) (Rxd- 24/16)
- 7 SDHP (60/42.5) (Rxd- 42.5/30)
- 5 Power Cleans (60/42.5) (Rxd- 42.5/30)
Record the best of 3 attempts.
Wod 1: 10 min AMRAP
- 10 Sit Ups
- 10 Wall Balls
- 10 SDHP (50/35)
Rest 3 minutes
Wod 2: 5 min AMRAP
- 30 sec Toes to Bar
- 30 sec Burpees to 6″
- 30 sec Sit Ups
- 30 sec Burpees to 6″
- Rest 1 minute, then repeat