Start the weekend great with a 7am or 8:30am Wod!!! Wakes you up and sets you up for a happy day!
7am – Partner Wod
- Round 1 Round 2
- 100 deficit Push Ups 50 deficit Push Ups
- 120 Pistol Squat 60 Pistol Squats
- 80 PullUps 40 Pull Ups
- 140 KB Swings (24/16) 70 KB Swings
- 300 Double Unders 150 Double Unders
*One person working at a time
- 15min EMOM
- Min 1 – 6 pistol squats + 2 Muscle Ups ( 4 pullups)
- Min 2 – 3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats (62.5/45)
- Min 3 – 3 Bar Facing Burpess + 3 Strict HandStand Push Ups (or DB strict press)
Rest 5mins
Wod: 20min AMRAP
- 30 ovh plate lunges (20/15)
- 25 double KB deadlift (32/24)
- 20 Plate sit ups (20/10)
- 200m Run
Results (Click here)