Registrations open for our outdoor partner comp. REGISTER NOW! All entrants welcome begginer to advanced
Strength: 3RM Strict Press
- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 Hollow Rocks between sets
Wod: For Time
- 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
- KB Swings (32/24)
- Hand Stand Push Ups
-Argh i cant feel my legs….thats ok you wont need then today
-Pretty simple day planned. Hopefully a strong pressing day. Don’t ignore the ring rows and hollow rocks between every set. They are there to keep your body nice and healthy. You can’t do too much of them
-The Wod. If the wod looks a little easy for you handstand ninja’s i encourage you to work on strict handstand push ups today. Its a relatively low volume workout with the opportunity to strengthen up your upside down pressing.
-We will likely see handstand push ups in the open so give yourself and chance to become familiar with them every opportunity you get.
-See you on the “flip” side
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