Well done everyone on a great training week! Keep it up, and lets keep smashing goals, working technique , working on skills and feeling good
Strength: 1RM Overhead Squat (refer 120417)
Wod: “Nancy” (refer 160816)
- 5 Rounds
- Run 400m
- 15 Overhead Squats (42.5/30)
-Heres a chance to PR that Overhead Squat. Big Points For this one. Make sure you’re squatting below parallel on every rep to make it count. Cheer your buddies in and lets see some PR’s to start the week
-Nancy!!! Running and Overhead Squats, Pretty simple. Push Hard on the runs and try go unbroken on the overhead squats if doing RXD. The big key to getting the most out of this workout is to make sure you are hitting full range of motion on those squats. Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
– Crossfit Open!!!!!!
– Heres a list of exercises that have been in the open every year. By working on these movements you’ll give yourself the best chance of working through those nasty open workouts.
– chest to bar pull ups, double unders, muscle up, snatch, thruster, toes to bar and wall balls
Results (Click here)