Computer says “Let’s publish this early because this much excitement should be out there!”
Get your name onto the PR board! 5km… This Saturday at 7:15am!
7:15am Run Wod: 5km run for time
Skills: Butterfly & Regular Kipping Pull Ups
Buy in: Max Pull Ups (unbroken)
Partner Wod 1, for time;
- 70 Pull Ups or 70 Cal Row
- 60 Thrusters (30/20)
- 50 Toes to Bar or 100 Knee Raises
- 40 Ball Over Box Sit Ups (9/6 – both 20″)
- 30 HSPU or 30 Wall Walks
- 200 Double Unders or 600 Singles
Partner Wod 2, 8min AMRAP;
- 2 minutes – KB Swings (24/16)
- 2 minutes – KB Goblet Squats
- 2 minutes – KB Step Overs (24″/20″)
- 2 minutes – Burpees