CrossFit Games OPEN registration is now available at
Don’t miss out! Choose CrossFit Hallam as your affiliate… all members encouraged, non-members welcome!
Strongman: Max Weight 10 m Yoke Carry (refer to 091014)
Skills: Muscle Ups
Wod: “CrossFit Games Open 14.4” (click to watch)
14 min AMRAP (score = total reps or *time-break time)
- 60 Calorie Row
- 50 Toes to Bar
- 40 Wall Balls (9/6 to 10’/9′)
- 30 Power/Squat Cleans (60/42.5)
- *20 Muscle Ups (rings)
- 60 Calorie Row
- 50 Toes to Bar
- 40 Wall Balls (9/4 to 9’/9′)
- 30 Power/Squat Cleans (50/30)
- *20 Muscle Ups (rings)
*Tie-break after the 30th clean exists for athletes that cannot complete the 1st muscle up.