Couple more days until the open begins! Remember its just another WOD, you can still register!  Also hang around Friday night for a BBQ dinner

Strength: 6RM Hang Power Snatch

Wod: 16.1 Open workout

  • 20min AMRAP Rxd
  • 25ft Ovhead walking lunge (7.5m) (42.5/30)
  • 8 Burpees
  • 25ft Ovhead walking lunge(7.5m)
  • 8 Chest to Bar Pullups
  • Scaled 20min AMRAP
  • 7.5m Front Rack Lunge (20/15)
  • 8 Burpees
  • 7.5m Front Rack Lunge
  • 8 Jumping Chin over bar pull-ups

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