CrossFit Hallam
Strength: Strict Pull Up 3-3-3
Wod: 13min AMRAP;
- 3 Pull Ups
- 21 Double Unders
- 6 Pull Ups
- 21 Double Unders
- 9 Pull Ups
- 21 Double Unders
- continue to increase the pull ups by 3 reps each round
Cash Out: 100 Hollow Rocks for completion
- Craig: +8kg, 18PU+10DU
- Adrian: Grn+Prp, 12PU
- Truman: Grn+Prp, 12PU
- Erin: Grn+Blk, 15PU
- Mel V: Grn, 13+13PU
- Andy: Redx4, 12+2PU (singles)
- Gabi: Org 3×4/5, 15+16PU (singles)
- Eduarda: Grn, 15+16PU (singles)
- Leine: Blk+Grn, 12+12PU
- Theresa: Red, 18 (blk, singles)
- Holly: Red, 15+10PU Rxd
- Rachel: Red, 24+24PU Rxd
- Alex: Red+Blk, 21+21PU (Prp+Blk)
- George: +17.5, 24 Rxd
- Sonya: 5kg, 24+6PU Rxd
- Ivana: Prp+Blk, 21+21PU
- Kerry: Prp+Blk, 18+18PU
- Louie: Prp+Grn, 15 (7 consecutive Double Unders! Go Louie!)
- Marina: Grn, 18+15PU
- Jenna: Prp+Grn, 18+15PU
- Susan: Prp, 18+40singles
- Rin: Grn, 21+19
- Jess: Blk, 24 (sub SitUps for PU)
Intro Sesh:
10min AMRAP:
- 5 Burpees
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 SDHP
- 5 Sit Ups
Results & WELCOME!
- Amy: 3 rounds + 5 Burpees
- Bernadette: 3 rounds + 4 Push Ups
- Melissa: 2 rounds + 10 Push Ups