Its 12 Days of Christmas Time!!!! This is a pyramid workout that goes to the tune of the song. Complete 1, then 2 and 1, then 3, 2 and 1 and so on…..
- 1 x Muscle Up (Ring or Bar) ( 1 x HSPU)
- 2 x Clean & Jerk (90/55) (60/42.5)
- 3 x Box Jump (24/20)
- 4 x Hang Squat Snatch (52.5/35) (42.5/30)
- 5 x Bar facing Burpees
- 6 x Push Press (52.5/35) (42.5/30)
- 7 x Pistol Squat (Alternate) (air squat)
- 8 x Toes 2 Bar
- 9 x Wall Ball (9/6)
- 10 x Pullups
- 11 x HSPU (HR Pushups or KB Swing)
- 12 Front Squat (90/55) (60/42.5)