Crazy AMRoundsAP or gymnastic skills you choose! Don’t Forget Showdown Payment needs to be paid this week…
40min AMRAP
- 300m Row
- 10 Thrusters (42.5/30)
- 20 KB Swing (24/16)
- 10 Burpees
- 20 Push Ups
- 10 Toes 2 Bar
Skill: 10min AMRAP
- 5 Arch & Hollow Holds (Hanging on bar) 3sec holds per direction
- 5 Jump to Ring Support (3 jumps + 3sec hold)
- Wall Facing Wall Floats x 5 Floats (wall walk)
- Face Away from Wall Floats x 5 Floats (kick up to handstand hold)
EMOM: 10mins (5 rounds)
- Min 0 – Kipping Ring Dip x 5-7 (can be strict with 1sec at the bottom)
- Min 1 – Ring Kip x 2-3 + Ring Kip + Pull x 2-3
EMOM: 10mins (5 rounds)
- Min 0 – Wall Facing Handstand Push Up (3sec lower 1sec hold at top) x 5
- Min 1 – Pull to Push Muscle Up Drill (have a partner spot to pull higher) (scaled perform on low rings)
Wod: 8min AMRAP
- 3 Wall Walks
- 6 Toes 2 Bar
- 12 steps/arm Inchworm Sidewalk
- 1:1 Work to Rest Ratio