Happy Monday a new week ahead, more PR to be made! Congratulations to Mekhi, Tia, Carter and Jet for coming 1st in a CrossFit Kids Comp. Congrats Shane who held his own in masters league invitational and congrats to Michelle for completing her CrossFit Level 2 which she now pass on even more knowledge for you!
Don’t Forget – In-house Comp 8th July sign up
Road Royalty Comp – Starts July
Ruff & Tuff partner Comp held at Hallam 10th September
The Melbourne Kokoda Challenge – 8th October
*If interested in any of these see Michelle to find out more details
Strength: 1RM Push Press
- 10 one arm row each side
- 10 vups
Wod: For Time
- 100 Push Ups
- 75 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)
- 50 weighted situps (10/5)
- 25 Ring muscle ups (scaled Ring dips)
Results (Click Here)