HAPPY MONDAY!!!! – Rise Up and Attack the day with Enthusiasm
- A) Snatch Pulls 3 x 3 reps@100% of 1RM
- B) Wall Walks 3 x 3 (Pause at the top)
- 0-5mins
- 200m Run or 10 cal airdyne
- 7 Toes to Bar
- 5-10mins
- work up to a 3RM touch and go snatch then immediately drop the barbell weight by 50%
- 10-15mins (ascending ladder 5-10-15-20-25 etc)
- Pull up (Rxd+ Chest 2 Bar)
- Barbell Snatch
- 15-20mins AMRAP
- 7 Chest to Bar (Rxd+ Bar Muscle Up)
- 7 Overhead Squat