7am Barbell Free Class!!!!
- 1km Run
- 90 Ball Slams
- 80 Box Jumps
- 70 db Push Press
- 60 Lunges
- 50 KB Clean and Press (24/16)
- 40 Pullups
- 30 Wall Balls
- 20 Situps weighted
- 10 Burpees
8:30 Class
Strength: 10 Rounds
- Every 90secs 3 x Power Snatch (challenging weight)
Partner Wod: Running Clock AMRAP starts at 0,10 and 20
- 7min AMRAP
- 20 Pullups
- 20 Push Ups
- 20 Cal Row
3min Rest
- 7min AMRAP
- 20 Toes to Bar
- 20m Reverse Crawl
- 20 Cal Assault bike (or row)
3min Rest
- 7min AMRAP
- 20 Burpees
- 20 Ring Rows
- 5 -10-15m Shuttle Run
Only 1 person working at a time share reps