Hallam’s Christmas Party!!!! 16th December we are going Barefoot Bowling $20 a head in Berwick..  Then those who are keen we will be going out for dinner and drinks after.  Please like on Facebook and write you attendance at the box

Strength: 5RM Deadlift (refer 160617)

  • 10 VUps between sets

Wod: 7min AMRAP

  • 3-3,6-6,9-9,12-12 etc
  • Deadlifts (70/47.5)
  • Toes 2 Bar

Cashout: Driveway Farmers Carry

-A fun fast one to start the week

-Work up to a heavy set of 5 on the deadlift and make sure you complete the 10 V UPs between every set. The V ups will keep your backs nice and healthy whilst also helping out your toes to bar in the long run.

-Its a fast wod only lasting 7 minutes so move smoothly through both movements the best you can. Great opportunity to do the wod RXD if you’ve just started getting the hang on the toes to bar

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