See “Happening At Hallams” for address
NOTE: You “may” get wet, obstacle course “may” be (up to) waist deep.
7:15am Running Wod: There are 2 sessions running, both at 7:15am, 1 at the box, the other at the beach.
For Completion:
- Short Sprints To Tempo!
- Set Rests
- Go hard, more rest. Go soft, no rest!
8:30am Beach Wod
Buy in: 2 teams
- For Time; “Find the bucket, fill the bucket”
Wod: Beach Version of “Seven”
Complete 7 rounds of 7 exercises, 7 reps each…
- Log Thrusters
- Burpee Over Log
- Jump Lunges (ea leg)
- Sit Ups
- Squats
- Get Ups
- Crucifix Hand Release Push Ups
- Complete 1 lap of the obstacle course after each round