Burpee Fundraiser WOD at 9:30am this morning (no 8:30am Class) BUT 7am Barbell Free Class is still on! All family members welcome!! Wod followed by a BBQ breakfast so hang around!
*Ruff & Tuff has also been postponed until early 2018 so start thinking of a partner!!
7am Barbell Free
- 12 burpees – 400m run
- 11 burpees – 400m run
- 10 burpees – 400m run
- 9 burpees – 400m run
- 8 burpees – 400m run
- 7 burpees – 400m run
- 6 burpees – 400m run
- 5 burpees – 400m run
- 4 burpees – 400m run
- 3 burpees – 400m run
- 2 burpees – 400m run
- 1 burpee – 400m run
9:30am – Kids more than welcome to come to do adults burpees for them
“Lumberjack 20” with a twist for Time
- 20 Deadlifts (125/80)
- 20 Burpees
- 150m Run
- 20 KB Swings (24/16)
- 20 Burpees
- 150m Run
- 20 Overhead Squat (50/35) (or Goblet Squat)
- 20 Burpees
- 400m Run
- 20 Burpees
- 150m Run
- 20 Pullups
- 20 Burpees
- 150m Run
- 20 Box Jumps (24/20)
- 20 Burpees
- 150m Run
- 20 DB Squat Cleans (20/15)
- 20 Burpees
- 150m Run