Sunday is Showdown Time – Great way to show what the crossfit community is all about… Registration is
7-7.30am at CrossFit Cranbourne, please arrive all ready and bring your waiver form (collect from our box)
Strength: 4 rep max Deadlift
WOD – EMOM for 20mins (5 Rounds)
- 12 reps of
- minute 1 – Wall Balls
- minute 2 – Burpees
- minute 3 – Calorie Row (10 cals for women)
- minute 4 – Box Jump (with step down)
**Each round completed successfully add 1 more repetition to the following round. Each round not completed successfully drop 1 rep for next round.
** Rxd+ 16 reps of each movement (women 12 cal rower)