- March 24:00 (PS)
- Eva (25) 4 + 1 Sn (singles)
- Tara (25) 3 + 1 Sn (4, 13)
- Edge 22:56 Rxd
- Kelly (25) 3 + 8 Su Rxd
- H (25) 5 (PS, Row)
- Kylie (25) 3 + 23 Su (singles, 15 HPS)
- Christie P (25) 4 + 16 Sn (S + DU)
- Heath (25) 4 (singles)
- Jodie 27:10 Rxd
- Cassie (25) 3 + 3 Sn (singles)
- Mark (25) 4 (^40)
- Theresa (25) 4 + 15 Sn Rxd
- Dallas 24:27 Rxd
- Sam 24:17 – 4 rounds Rxd
- Belle (25) 4 + 9 Rxd
- Mickey 4 + 4 WB (singles, PS)
- Loui –
- Wongy 25:05 (15)
- Adam 26:14 (5 rounds)
- Darell 27:00
- April 29:40 Rxd (6 rounds)
- Jarrod (25) 5 + 1 Rxd
- Renata (20) 3 Rxd
- Corey 16:20 (3)
- James (25) 5 Rxd
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