- March 26:38 Rxd (67.5)
- Rodders 39:44 Rxd (60)
- Brad 32:54 Rxd (47)
- Lucas (40) up to 27 singles (50)
- H 32:11 Rxd (52.5)
- Kylie 37:56 (30, singles)
- Tara 38:08 Rxd (37.5)
- Edge 32:51 Rxd (62.5)
- Andy J (40) finished 3,6,12 (55)
- Rob L (40) finished 3 of 6 BPU (55)
- Pai 37:25 Rxd (55)
- Ian 38:41 (35, singles)
- Veronica 32:44 (Wall Ball, Jumping PU, singles)
- Lisa 38:20 (25, singles)
- Shane 41:00 (50, singles)
- Sheree 26:57 Rxd (45)
- Trav 33:11 Rxd (60 Axle)
- Eva (40) finished 6 Sqt Clean (42.5)
- Cassie (40) finished 6 Sqt Clean (35, singles)
- Oscar (40) up to 6 burpees of 8 (45)
- Kelly B (40) finished 7 (50)
- Maray 31:22 (wall ball sqts @9kg)
- Corey 32:30 (wall ball 6kg, mod)
- Craig (40) finished 6 of 6 burpees (35)
- Darell 29:30 Rxd (60)
- Mish 40:00 (42.5)
- Grant (40) finished round of 7’s (40)
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