- Leine 60, 12:15 (60, 50, 40, 30, KPU)
- Erin 60, 11:42 (55, 45, 35, 25, KPU)
- H 130, 11:08 (120, 110, 100, 90)
- Kylie 80, 14:56 (80, 70, 60, 50, Sub 10kg Rev Burpees)
- Mel 60, 13:25 (60, 50, 40, 30)
- Edge 130, 10:23 (130, 115, 100, 85)
- Tara 45, 16:55 (15, 10, 5, 2.5 Rev Burpees + 1 AB Mat HSPU)
- Cassie 90PR! – 13.25 (90,80,70,60, HRPU)
- Dallas 90PR! – 8.51 (90,80,70,60)
- Maray 65 – 10.23 (65,55,45,35 HRPU)
- Theresa 85PR! – 10.22 (85,75,65,55)
- Rob 140PR! – 19.05 (140,130,120,100)
- Mark 120 – 8.23 (100,90,80,70)
- El 72.5,75(f5) – 12.28 (70,60,50,40 1Ab Mat)
- Pai 135 PR! – 8.09 (80,70,60,50)
- Shane 140 – 9:31 Rxd
- Buff 160 – 11:50 Rxd
- Wongy – 8:10
- Kelly 13:41
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